The site «», hereinafter referred to as «the Site» is a portal to make accessible to Internet users its data.
Any person accessing this Site, one of the editorial offers, one of the associated applications or services accepts and undertakes to comply, without restriction or reservation, with these general conditions of use in force.


The purpose of these general conditions of use is to define the modalities of access and reuse of the contents and data present on the site «» and in the digital ecosystem of cccod.

The cccod reserves the right to make substantial changes or not, at any time and without notice, to these general conditions of use.

Intellectual property and reuse:

General structure of the site:
The general structure of the Site is the exclusive property of cccod.


The trademarks of cccod and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the Site, are protected by an intellectual property right.

Any total or partial reproduction of these marks and/or logos made from the elements of the Site without the express authorization of the cccod or their owner is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement offence within the meaning of the Code of Intellectual Property.

The term «Resources» includes all content presented in the resource center of the Site, including still or animated images, screenshots, illustrations, texts and complete works or excerpts, sound files (recordings of conferences, interviews, works or parts of musical works, sound installations, etc.)
The resource center of the Site does not include the so-called «institutional» part, corresponding to the information, on the date of the general conditions of use, of the headings available in the top and bottom menus from the home page.
The cccod makes these Resources available to Internet users, protected in their use by the laws in force. Their reuse is subject to a prior request directly from the rights holders, the copyright management companies representing them or the cccod.
In the absence of authorization, any reproduction or representation in whole or in part, any use, adaptation, provision or modification of these elements is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement offence within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code.
All credits of the Resources are made available to users on the page where they are presented. The cccod undertakes to verify the accuracy of the information it makes available to users. In the event that this information contains inaccuracies or errors, it undertakes to make every effort to allow the rectification of information as soon as possible.


Informational content:
Under the provisions of the Code of relations between the public and the administration, certain contents of the Site are considered as administrative documents, in particular informative content.
As such and in accordance with Book III of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration on the reuse of public information, the information contained in those documents may be reused under the conditions laid down in that book, in particular on condition that the latter are not altered, that their meaning is not distorted and that their sources and the date of their last update are mentioned. This reuse must be done in accordance with copyright.
No transfer of ownership of public administrative information is made to the reuser. Any person reusing public information in violation of the requirements of the law is liable to a fine issued by the Commission for Access to Administrative Documents and legal proceedings.

The Site may provide hypertext links to websites published by third parties and references to other websites. These links or references do not constitute an endorsement or validation of their contents. The Publisher of the Site may not be held responsible for the content of said content or any damage or prejudice resulting therefrom.
In addition, the Publisher does not have any means of control and monitoring of the referenced sites or their evolutions or updates, the provision of hypertext links does not entail any obligation whatsoever.
The creation of hypertext links to the Site is free provided that it does not affect the material or moral interests of the cccod, that it does not create confusion about the source of the content, and that it be done in compliance with the laws in force, in particular copyright.

Liability and Erratum:

The Site and its devices may be temporarily unavailable, the cccod undertakes to restore the service as soon as possible. Similarly, the cccod may make, without notice, notification or compensation, any modification of the Service, its content and/ or its conditions of access.
The cccod cannot be held responsible for direct and indirect damages, predictable and unpredictable such as loss of profits or profits, loss of data, loss of equipment and repair costs, recovery or reproduction resulting from the use and/or inability to use the services and contents of the Site.
Despite the care and control of the editorial team of the Site, unintentional errors or omissions may remain on the Site. If the user wishes to submit his remarks or complaints to the cccod, he can send an email to

Applicable law and jurisdiction:
These general terms of use are entirely subject to French law and French courts. In case of dispute, the user and the cccod will try to resolve this dispute amicably. Otherwise, they recognize the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Tours.

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